Over Christmas I received several books as well as a B&N gift card from my best friend and relatives (sister and brother-in-law and aunt and uncle). I thought I would share my haul with everyone! A few of these books I've already read (and those I have reviews for are noted). If you're interested in my thoughts on the ones I've yet to read then stick around because (some of) those will be coming! My biggest thanks to everyone for their generous gifts!
1. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
This YA fantasy novel follows a young Diana (Wonder Woman) who saves a girl (Alia) from a shipwreck only to discover that she s a warbringer (a descendant of Helen of Troy destined to bring war and strife to the world). In order to prevent this Alia must be cleansed at a spring in Therapne. I have already read this book and thoroughly enjoyed it for the camaraderie between characters and sense of travel/adventure. That being said, I thoroughly disliked the twist towards the end.
2. Uglies: Shay's Story by Scott Westerfeld
Uglies is a series taking place in a world where everyone is considered ugly until they turn sixteen and get an operation (plastic surgery) to make them beautiful. The original series followed protagonist Tally Youngblood, while this is a graphic novel follows her best friend, Shay. I have not yet read this but am excited to as Uglies is a very nostalgic series for me.
3. Girls of Storm and Shadow by Natasha Ngan
This is the sequel to Girls of Paper and Fire, a young adult, Asian inspired fantasy novel featuring an LGBT+ romance. As it is a sequel I don't want to delve into any details as to not spoil the original. If you're interested in the first book, I have a review for it here on my blog.
4. The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry
If by chance you don't know about The Giver quartet, it's a series of companion novels all taking place within the same world. The Giver follows 12-year-old Jonas who lives in a community full of strict rules and devoid of emotions and choices but also peaceful and without hunger. The story follows Jonas as he becomes disillusioned with his world. The Giver is my all time favorite book and I feel everyone should read it!
5. Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly
This is a young adult fairytale retelling (more specifically of Cinderella). However, unlike traditional/typical retelling novels this one focuses on Isabelle who is Cinderella's ugly stepsister. I have already read this one and have a review for it up on the blog if you're interested. As a fairytale lover I adored this one and am excited to own it.
6. Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin
This is a young adult fantasy novel. I have not yet read this book and even from the description don’t know much about it. From the brief synopsis, I gathered it is about a young witch named Lou who has given up magic and become a thief. There’s also Reid, a young man who is part of the Church that despises witches. It seems to be one of those forbidden love stories. I’ll be sure to include thoughts on the blog once I’ve read it.
7. We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
This is a young adult fantasy novel. I haven’t read it yet so what I know about it is sparse. From my understanding, however, it is inspired by ancient Arabia and follows two characters on opposing sides. Zafira is a hunter and Nasir is a cruel king’s son. Both are on a quest to uncover a lost artifact.
