haleylynnthomas22Feb 29, 20201 minA River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy (a review)Genre: YA fantasy Length: 351 pages Plot: In the queendom of Myre there live two sister princesses. Eva and Isa must, upon their...
haleylynnthomas22Feb 23, 20202 minWoven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibañez (a review)Genre: YA Fantasy Length: 365 pages Plot: The novel follows Ximena, a decoy for the queen (condesa) of the Illustrians whose throne was...
haleylynnthomas22Feb 7, 20202 minWe Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal (a review)Genre: YA fantasy Length: 369 pages Plot: The novel follows the story of a continent that once was rich in magic but has since lost it...
haleylynnthomas22Dec 1, 20182 minA Review of: To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra ChristoSummary: To Kill a Kingdom is a Young Adult high fantasy novel by Alexandra Christo. It tells the stories of Elian, a reluctant prince...
haleylynnthomas22Nov 17, 20182 minA Review of: Ash Princess by Laura SebastianAbout The Novel: Ash Princess is a YA fantasy novel. It follows the story of Theodosia ‘Theo/Thora’ who was the heir of the country...