haleylynnthomas22Aug 22, 20203 minUnravel the Dusk by Elizabeth Lim (a review) (Spin the Dawn sequel)Genre: YA Fantasy (Sequel) Length: 351 pages Rating: 4.25 ⭐️ Plot: In this high stakes sequel to Spin the Dawn, tailor Maia Tamarin is...
haleylynnthomas22May 6, 20202 min4 Books to Read During Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (Bonus Blog)1. The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan This YA magical realism novel follows 15 year old Leigh who is convinced that her...
haleylynnthomas22Jan 31, 20203 minJanuary Reading Wrap-UpThis month was a pretty good reading month for me in terms of number of books/pages read. I'm pleased to have gotten off to a good start...
haleylynnthomas22Jan 25, 20202 minA Review of: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth LimGenre: YA Fantasy Length: 387 pages Plot: Reading like the love child of Mulan and Project Runway, the novel follows a young, gifted...